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5:30 PM Healing Eucharist (1st & 3rd Tuesdays Only)

2022 Christmas Service Schedules

11 22 2022

2022 Christmas Service Schedules

The Christmas season is a special time in the life of our parish. We invite you to join us for any of our Christmas worship offerings as we celebrate the birth of our Savior.

If you have questions about Christmas or any other service at Christ Church, please get in touch with us by calling the Parish House at 864.271.8773 or by emailing

Christmas Eve
Saturday, December 24

10:00 AM - Holy Eucharist, Rite II, in the Church with Organ, Violin, & Hymns | The Rev. Scott Fleischer, Preacher & Celebrant

2:00 PM - Holy Eucharist, Rite II, in the Church with Organ, Violin, & Hymns | The Rev. Lindy Bunch, Celebrant and The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod, Preacher

4:00 PM - Children’s Christmas Pageant & Eucharist in the Church | The Rev. Kellie Wilson, Celebrant and The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod, Preacher 

4:30 PM - Casual Christmas Eucharist in Markley Chapel with the Markley Chapel Musicians | The Rev. Scott Fleischer, Preacher & Celebrant 

6:00 PM - Festal Eucharist, Rite II in the Church with Choir, Organ, and Brass Quintet | The Rev. Lindy Bunch, Celebrant and The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod, Preacher

10:00 PM - Choral Prelude to the Solemn Eucharist in the Church
10:30 PM - Solemn Midnight Eucharist in the Church with Choir, Organ, and Brass Quintet | The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod, Preacher & Celebrant 

Please note the use of incense at this service.

Christmas Day
Sunday, December 25

10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist, Rite II, in the Church with Hymns | The Rev. Kellie Wilson, Preacher & Celebrant
This is the only service for the day.


Carols for Christmastide with Holy Eucharist
Sunday, January 1

10:30 AM - A service of Carols and Holy Eucharist in the Church
This is the only service for the day.