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Creative Arts Camp - August 1 - 5, 2022

03 28 2022

Creative Arts Camp - August 1 - 5, 2022

The Church Street Choral Academy is pleased to announce its first inaugural Creative Arts Camp! This camp is FREE to all participants!

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Christ Church parishioners are given priority registration through May 2.

Held August 1st through 5th on the campus of Christ Church Episcopal in downtown Greenville, this camp for rising 1st graders through rising 6th graders will immerse participants in a world of creativity!

This camp is graciously sponsored and underwritten by the many donors to the Church Street Choral Academy. It is free for all participants.

Daily activities include instruction by top Greenville teachers in music, visual art, drama and movement. Other activities in the week include field trips and backstage tours of local art organizations, cooking and culinary arts instruction, physical recreation, and more!

The week caps off with a Friday celebration showcase and cookout that the community is invited to.

Early stay is available beginning at 8:00 AM with the camp day beginning at 9:00 AM. The camp day ends at 3:30 PM with late stay available until 5:00 PM. Light breakfast, lunch, and snacks are included throughout the day.

For more information, email or Sarah Marczynski at