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Fellowship at Fluor Field

09 09 2021

Fellowship at Fluor Field

Let’s get together to WORSHIP, EAT, and PLAY! Join your parish family at Fluor Field for a (safe & FREE!) day of outdoor fun and fellowship. We’ll worship together in the stadium at 11:15 AM, and then go play! Choose your own adventure with batting cages, running the bases, kickball, and field games. We’ll also enjoy a delicious ball park hot dog lunch. What a blast! Register by September 17 so we know to grill you a hot dog.

Worship Outside

We'll be worshiping God outside in the majesty of His creation. We'll sit in the stadium chairs while Fr. Harrison leads a morning prayer service complete with live music. The service will last about 45 minutes, and will take place rain or shine since we'll be sitting in a covered area.

This is not a service of Holy Eucharist.

What To Do

After worship, we'll eat lunch. Lunch will be provided to your family and served by the Fluor Field staff following all COVID-19 protocols. Eat with your family in the covered seating area or spread out on a blanket on Fluor Field. Enjoy the sunshine and breeze.

After lunch, there will be a variety of activities for kids of all ages (0-100!).

  • Batting Cages
  • Running the bases
  • Kickball on the diamond
  • Field games
  • Frisbee

Families are also encouraged to bring bats, gloves, other games for toss, bubbles, or other fun outside activities.

We'll play together 'til 2:00 PM.

Things To Know

  • Join us by entering the gate on Field Street near the 500 Club.
    The South Main entrance is closed.
  • Attire is casual - appropriate for field games.
  • You may bring a bag for your family - you do not need to follow the regular clear-bag policy as for baseball games.
  • Don't forget a hat and sunscreen!

Feeling A More Traditional Service?

Fr. Scott Fleischer will celebrate and preach at a Rite 1 service of Holy Eucharist back at the church at 9:00 AM, with choir & organ. Please enjoy this traditional service and then come out to join us for field day fun!
*There will be a nursery available for this service for infants through K2. Sign up here.