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Marriage Ministry Weekend 2022

09 22 2022

Marriage Ministry Weekend 2022

What Comes After “I Do”?: Building a Marriage the Matters:

Christ Church presents a BRAND-NEW Ministry Opportunity for….Your Marriage! Let’s be honest. When was the last time you really focused on your marriage? Join us on October 28-30, 2022 for a Marriage Ministry Weekend led by guest speakers, Beth and Chuck Simmons. Beth and Chuck have spoken nationally on marriage and family building for over 25 years and love sharing practical wisdom and spiritual insights gained through the year with friends of all ages.

Whether you’re newly engaged or have been married for 40 years, this weekend is what every marriage needs. Join engaging, dynamic sessions that will help you grow closer together, equip you to weather life’s difficult seasons and learn what it means to have a Christ-Centered marriage. This weekend will be fun, entertaining, and most importantly, impactful.

The weekend includes three meals (Friday night dinner, Saturday snacks and lunch). Childcare is provided for children up to 5K. For a detailed schedule of events, see the information below.


More information about our Guest Speakers:

Beth and Chuck Simmons have been married for 36 years and have been involved with marriage and family building for over 25 years. They have served on the national Speaker Team for FamilyLife and have also implemented and led ReEngage marriage courses. They love sharing practical wisdom and spiritual insights gained through the years with friends of all ages, and look forward to helping you build the outstanding marriage God intended! Beth and Chuck have 3 children, 7 grandchildren and live in Greenville, SC.

Questions? Contact Anne Green Buckner at

Detailed Schedule of Events

All Saints Center Doors open at 6:00 PM on Friday Night

6:30 PM – Blessing and Dinner

7:00 PM – Welcome and Introduction

7:15-8:00 PM – Session 1: *Why Marriages Fail

  • Difficult Adjustments that we have trouble making
  • The Culture’s flawed approach in relationships
  • Difficult things happen in life
  • Affairs (anything that takes our focus off of our marriage - jobs, kids, success, etc.)
  • Selfishness

8:00-8:15 PM – Break

8:15-9:00 PM – Session 2: *Can We Talk

  • How to listen and express ourselves well

All Saints Center Doors open at 8:45 AM on Saturday.

9:00-9:45 AM- Session 3: *God’s Purpose for Marriage

  • Give the world a glimpse of His love
  • Companionship
  • Create a Godly legacy for the next generation

9:45-10:30 AM – Break and Couples’ Project 1

10:30-11:15 AM – Session 4: *Commitment

  • How God’s definition is different from the world’s definition
  • Things that hinder commitment (differences, weaknesses, selfishness)

11:15-11:45 AM – Couples' Project 2

11:45 AM-1:00 PM- Lunch

1:00-1:45 PM- Session 5: *Conflict Resolution

  • Working through issues
  • Seeking and granting forgiveness
  • Rebuilding trust

1:45-2:00 PM- Break

2:00-2:45 PM- Session 6: *Building a Marriage That Thrives

2:45-3:00 PM Wrap Up/Announcements

9:30-10:15 AM – Session 7: *Love Always - Building a Legacy that Matters

(Sunday morning is for everyone…not just for those attending the weekend.)