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5:30 PM Healing Eucharist (1st & 3rd Tuesdays Only)

Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)

Sunday Mornings

Sunday School
ASC 9:30 - 10:15 A.M.

6th through 8th graders meet in Room 209 of the All Saints Center.

9th through 12th graders meet in Room 204 of the All Saints Center

Confirmands attend Episcopal 101 in Earle Conference Room in the Parish House through November 19.

Sunday Nights

EYC - Episcopal Youth Community

  • Youth in grades 6th through 8th are in Middle School and meet from 5:00 to 6:00 PM on Sunday evenings.
  • Youth in grades 9th through 12th are in Senior High and meet from 6:30 to 7:30 PM to on Sunday evenings.

On Sunday nights, our youth group has formation, and this will be time to focus on fellowship. Learning about each other in our Episcopal Youth Community is essential, so each Sunday night, we will get together as a group and have a good time with games and food. Parents, this is one easy way that you can help! We have dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 PM for every typical EYC night.

You can sign up by emailing the Director of Youth Ministries, Joleen George. This meal usually feeds 50 - 60 youth.

Our Youth program has a lot to offer, and there are several dates that you and your family need to put on your calendar! Be a part of our weekly email to find out more information. If you have any questions about an event or questions about anything with our Youth Group, please contact our Director of Youth Ministries.

Second Sundays - ServeUS

The second Sunday of the month we offer a different format for our EYC gatherings. The second Sunday of the month will be service-oriented. We call this ServeUS. This offering is designed to provide opportunities for our youth to step out of their comfort zones, to invite and welcome all, fostering and growing new relationships, and to ingrain in our youth the importance of service. Through offering a wide variety of service opportunities we seek to teach our youth how to make service a part of their regular life.

Some previous partner orgranizations include: Harvest Hope Food Bank, Miracle Hill, United Ministries, Project Host, Interfaith Hospitality Network, Ronald McDonald House, Mill Village Farms, Greenville Free Medical Clinic, and Greenville Parke, Recreation and Tourism.

Want to learn more? E-mail the Director of Youth Ministries, Joleen George for more.

Follow us

The Student Leadership Team or (SLT) is made up of high school students (10th- 12th graders) who attend Christ Church Episcopal. The Student Leadership Team is responsible for assisting with planning, participating, and serving as a leader to the Middle School ministry programs at Christ Church.

Youth Diocese Events

Our Diocesan Convention will be Nov 8-9 and will need youth and youth ministers to be present and help our prayer chain assembly- we invite all interested folks to be a part of our DioCon event!

Happening #91 Nov 22-24, is accepting applications for first time attendees/Candidates. Click here to register 10-12 graders.

There is a meeting of Province IV, multiple Episcopal Dioceses across the Southeast, on Dec 5-8 at Camp McDowell in Alabama- this gathering of youth and adults from around our active Province is meant for resource sharing, collaboration and fun! If anyone is interested in attending, contact Joleen.