We have something for everyone, no matter your phase of life! Classes are organized below by age group.
Sunday School takes place weekly from 9:30-10:15AM unless otherwise noted.
Young Children (Infant through 2K/toddlers)
The nursery is open from 9AM until noon. Nursery-age children may remain in the nursery through the conclusion of the 10:30AM worship services. Nursery locations are as follows:
- Infants – 18 months Room 109, Parish House
- Toddlers Room 112, Parish House
Worship Bags When you arrive for services at the church or chapel, ask an usher for a “Worship Bag” (refreshed weekly) with quiet toys, crayons, coloring sheets, and church-appropriate activities to keep your little ones occupied during the service.
Questions? Contact Cara Horn
Children (3K through 5th grade)
Sunday School is open from 9:30-10:15AM. You may drop your child off as early as 9:15AM. This year’s theme for Children’s Sunday School is “We Are All God’s People”. We will be introduced to a varied line-up of biblical characters, exploring how they and we all belong to God’s story. Children's Sunday School class locations are as follows:
- 3K/4K Room 127, Parish House.
- 5K Room 211, Parish House
- 1st/2nd Grade Room 215, Parish House
- 3rd/4th/5th Grade Room 217, Parish House
Where does my child go during the 10:30 AM Worship Services?
- Nursery Care for 3K/4K in Room 112, Parish House. Upon request, teachers will take children from Sunday School to the nursery for the duration of the 10:30AM service.
- Children's Church (for 3K-3rd grade) occurs in St Luke’s Chapel during the 10:30AM service. It provides a reverent liturgy that has all the elements of Rite II, but in a simplified format geared toward younger ages. As they participate, they will begin to appreciate the rhythms of the worship service so it will feel familiar when they are old enough to stay with their parents.
- Communion Class Since Communion is central to our worship practices, it’s important to help children increase their understanding of the sacrament while keeping a sense of wonder for the mystery of this sacred rite. To that end, Christ Church offers this class designed for 2nd through 5th grade children who are already receiving, as well as those who will be participating in their first Communion. This five-week class is offered once per year. The 2025 Communion Class took place January 5, 12, 26 & February 2. The 2026 dates will be announced later this year.
Questions? Contact Cara Horn
Middle School Youth (6th through 8th grade)
This semester, all middle and high school students are invited to join us for Leadership Academy, which will bring in various guest speakers to talk to the group about the life skills they need for entering college and the work force! The middle school youth meets from 9:30-10:15AM in Room 209 of the All Saints Center.
Questions? Contact Joleen George
High School Youth (9th through 12th grade)
This semester, all middle and high school students are invited to join us for Leadership Academy, which will bring in various guest speakers to talk to the group about the life skills they need for entering college and the work force! The high school youth meets from 9:30-10:15AM in Room 209 of the All Saints Center.
Questions? Contact Joleen George
NEW CLASS BEGINS MARCH 9: Raising Emotionally Strong & Worry-Free Kids | Location TBA
This class will be a snapshot of two books: Raising Emotionally Strong Boys (David Thomas) and Raising Worry-Free Girls (Sissy Goff). Over eight weeks, we’ll talk about practical ways kids can name and navigate their emotions, understanding what worry and anxiety look like, offering practical strategies to fight worry and find hope. We’ll talk about the kids you love, but we’ll also talk about you. Each session will include video content as well as large and small group discussion. There is no cost to participate, but registration is requested. Click here to register. For more information, contact Anne Green Buckner.
Parents' Sunday School | McCall Parlor, Parish House
In the chaos of raising children, it is good to share life together! Join this group of parents as we dive deeper into the readings you hear in church each week and discuss how they apply to our lives as parents, our children and our families. No prior homework or reading required. For more information, contact Anne Green Buckner.
The Pit Stop | Graham Library, Parish House
Welcome to the Pit Stop! A place to refuel, rest and gear up for the week ahead. How often do you read a line from scripture and immediately understand the meaning and how to apply it to your life? Sometimes it's hard to know what the Bible is trying to tell us. Through fellowship and lively discussion, join this empty-nester group on a journey as we take the gospel reading of the day and break it down word by word. We are by no means biblical scholars but promise that together will attempt to find meaning and purpose in God's Word. For more information, contact Elizabeth McKissick or Dorothy Nicholson.
Explorers Sunday School | Earle Conference Room, Parish House
Are you hungry for fellowship and searching for community with others close to your age? Join fellow parishioners as we navigate the second half of our lives looking at how scripture speaks to us. Our goal is to share, learn, challenge and build relationships as we explore the lessons of the day. For more information, contact Greta Parkinson or Claudia Coleman.
Faith Perspectives | Room 223, Parish House (Starts at 9:00 AM)
This long-time Sunday School class encourages lively, respectful discussions and debates over books that challenge our perspectives. TThis semester the group will discuss “The Last Week – What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus’s Final Days in Jerusalem” by Marcus J. Borg and John Dominic Crossan. For more information, contact Fran Taylor.
The Forum (Formerly "The Rector's Forum") | McKissick Refectory, Parish House
Have a love for lifelong learning? This is the place for you. Join this reformatted lecture-based class where a variety of guest speakers will join us weekly to present dynamic topics that will help inform your faith, your love of the Episcopal church and hopefully something new. Click here for a schedule of topics and guest speakers. For more information, contact The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod or the Rev. Lindy Bunch.