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The Common Table - Wednesday Night Programming copy

The Common will return along with Clergy Klatch, Children's Sabbath, Youth Programming, and our delicious Wednesday Night Suppers on Wednesday, August 21, 2024.

Welcome to The Common Table. The Common Table encompasses programming for your faith, life, and spirit.

The Common Table takes place in the All Saints Center. And new in 2023 - the nursery is now located on the second floor of the All Saints Center!

The mix-and-match nature of adult and children's offerings allow you to engage in your own way.

  • Drop your children off at the nursery (now in ASC) or Children's Sabbath where they'll receive engaging and enriching teaching and play.
  • Enjoy an adults-only brief refreshment quarter hour and sit in on Clergy Klatch.
  • Youth will gather together to fellowship.
  • Study with special groups during limited-time book, Bible and other studies.
  • Come eat and visit during Wednesday Night Suppers.

The choice is yours. Come any week you are able. We would love to see you!

Wednesday Night Suppers

Wednesday Night Suppers

6:15 - 7:00 PM 
All Saints Center Gym

Come join us for hearty meals and happy fellowship in the All Saints Center Gym. Visit the Wednesday Night Suppers page to see menus and to register to eat. This is a happy time for families and singles alike.

Newcomer Wednesday

Newcomers eat FREE!

Every first Wednesday of the month, newcomers join us at The Common Table and learn about our membership process. We meet in All Saints Center at 5:30 PM for a short social time before meeting for more discussion and to review the membership process at Christ Church. Dinner is free for all newcomers!


7:00 PM 
All Saints Center Gym

As an end-cap to The Common Table, an informal Compline service takes place in the All Saints Center Gym when the children and adults have been dismissed from their programming and have come back to together to eat. The service will take no more than 10 minutes at most, allowing families to get home in time for younger children's bedtimes.


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Adult Fellowship Time

5:30 - 5:45 PM
ASC Room 200

Join us for this adults-only offering in ASC Room 200 before Clergy Klatch! This includes small nibbles such as nuts and cheese, fruit, and beverage options.

Clergy Klatch

Now & Then: What is Scripture saying to us today? And how should it/does it apply? We'll examine things like Paul's discussion of dietary restrictions, Sabbath laws...join us for this rousing discussion where all are welcome.


Youth Gathering

5:30 - 6:30 PM
ASC Room 209

A time for students in grades 6 – 12 to come together and talk about what’s going on in our lives, how God encounters us, and how all that helps to shape our faith. It will be low-key, yet rich in exploring the intersections of life, faith, joys, struggles, friends, and families.


Children's Sabbath

5:30 - 6:30 PM
ASC First Floor

Children will engage in exciting play, arts & crafts, music, and performance during their class time. The first project the children will prepare for is Children's Sabbath services, where the children lead our worship in the Church and Chapel.

During the season of Advent, this group prepares for the Christmas pageant, held each year at the 4:00 PM service in the church on Christmas Eve.

For more information on the class' general curriculum, e-mail Donald Duncan.

Check out a Children's Sabbath worship service!

These services are a showcase of our work and happen in rotation in both the Church and Chapel. Click the link below to check out a Children's Sabbath worship service where the kids are in charge!



5:15 - 6:30 PM
ASC Room 202
We're excited to be able to provide nursery in the All Saints Center. We have moved it from the Parish House to the ASC for the convenience of our families. We provide a safe, warm, and unconditionally loving environment for the children entrusted to our care. We also offer fun through stories, activities, a snack, and, when the weather permits, children will enjoy one of the outdoor play areas.

Read more about our nursery. If you have specific questions, please contact Trudy Bell.