"All things come of thee, O Lord, and of thine own have we given thee."
With these familiar words, we acknowledge that all we have in the way of materials, goods, and talents are gifts from God. Stewardship requires that we contribute to God's work in and through Christ Church, not only with our time, varied abilities, and talents, but that we prayerfully make a commitment of our financial support.
Being a good steward means using your resources faithfully. We encourage you to think of giving to the church as a spiritual discipline that expresses your thanks for the many blessings God has given to you and deepens your relationship with God. When we give sacrificially, we are giving back to God what is already his.
Gift Purposes Available through Web Giving Above:
- Annual Giving Pledge Payments (current or prior years)
- Gifts in Memory of, Thanksgiving for, or in Honor of a friend or family member
- Capital Campaign Gifts
- Other Special Gifts and Projects