Christ Church Logo

10:30 AM Rite I Holy Eucharist, Markley Chapel

Worship Online

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Dear Christ Church Family,

After faithful and prayerful consideration and discernment of the risks associated with the Coronavirus, review of the recommendations from the CDC, and much discussion, your leadership at Christ Church, along with the support of our Bishop, have determined to suspend ALL worship services and ALL other church gatherings through Friday, March 27. As a faith community we are charged to be good stewards of our people and the community around us. We believe that suspending public worship and other church meetings and offerings is prudent and responsible. Some might suggest we wait to take this step, but we have decided to be proactive and preventative rather than reactive and regretful.

In the meantime, we will offer:
Virtual Worship
Although we will not be meeting as a gathered community during this period, we will record and send you an email link to the service offered by your clergy for Sunday, March 15, and again for Sunday, March 22.

Pastoral Care
Should you need pastoral care during this time, please reach out to one of the clergy or lay staff and we will be responsive to your needs. We will continue to visit the sick and those in the hospital or home-bound as reason dictates. Of course, hospitals and nursing homes will make specific recommendations regarding their populations and we will certainly abide by their decisions. We will always call before a pastoral visit to determine if a visit is advisable.

Other Assistance
If you are aware of members of our parish family who need assistance, please let the clergy or lay staff know so we can reach out to them to determine how we might help.

Church Staff
Unless circumstances change, our Parish House will remain open and the church staff will be available by phone or email to assist you.

In The Coming Weeks
We will continue to monitor the news and be attentive to guidelines and protocols recommended by the CDC and other agencies on how best to proceed. Christ Church will continue to keep you informed of happenings at the church and our decisions regarding our corporate life.

While we will miss seeing each other, perhaps this extraordinary break in our daily routine might be considered a Lenten Discipline. Use this time of physical separation to reflect on our many blessings, as well as our priorities, values and actions as faithful Christians. Continue to enjoy and pray the daily devotional together, and remember the church, our people and our community in your own prayers. Remember and confidently celebrate that our identity as the Body of Christ is not dependent on anything other than the grace of God in Christ.

As Paul writes, “We were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body.” 1 Corinthians 12:13a. We are linked indissolubly through our baptism in ways that no earthly challenge can break. Then, as we approach Easter, we hope to regather and truly celebrate the gift of our common life in Christ and each other. Should you have any questions, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me either by phone or email.

The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod

Find sermons and Rector's Forum recordings HERE or by clicking on our latest sermons, below.

Although we will not be meeting as a gathered community during this period, we will record and send you an email link to the service offered by your clergy for Sunday, March 15, and again for Sunday, March 22.

We will attempt to make as many Bible studies and prayer groups as possible available to you virtually. These will be available to you through online conferencing and live streams. Visit the Faith on the Go webpage to see the schedule of both prayer groups and daily worship. New opportunities will be posted as they become available.

Offerings can be found on the Christ Church Facebook and Instagram pages, as well as on the Christ Church YouTube channel.