Christ Church Logo

10:30 AM Rite I Holy Eucharist, Markley Chapel



1st Grade


2nd Grade
3rd Grade


4th Grade
5th Grade


6th - 8th Grade
Mixed Ages


9th - 12th Grade
Mixed Ages


Registration closed September 15.

Player Contract

Insurance Release Form


I-Mites, Mites, & Minors:
Season play will begin Saturday, November 9

Season play will begin Saturday, November 9

Season play will begin Monday, November 11

What It's Like to Play Basketball at Christ Church

The season runs November through February, with team practices beginning in October. 5K – 8th grades play on Saturday mornings, 9th - 12th grades play on Monday evenings. Registration is online from mid-August through mid-September. For inquiries about Christ Church basketball, please contact the Parish House at 864.271.8773.

Why I Coach
“I honestly can’t remember how I started coaching basketball. I’m sure it was to be a part of my sons’ basketball experience when they were younger. I didn’t think I would continue after they both moved on but here I am with a brand new team of fourth graders! There are a few reasons why I am still coaching. I would say I get so much more out of it than the players do. It’s so rewarding to play even a small role in a young life by teaching the basics of basketball, teamwork, and effort at a time in their lives when it’s not all about winning just yet. Don’t get me wrong, we love to win but we also love having fun, improving, making friends, and most of all laughing.” - Allan Symonette

Why I Play
“Church basketball has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. The friends I’ve made throughout the years are incredible and it is always fun coming back together every season. I will forever be grateful for the relationships I’ve built with my teammates and especially Coach Mac.” - Pearce Easley

This inter-church league is facilitated by CLBBY (The Church League Basketball for Youth).