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• 8:00 AM Chapel • 10:30 AM Chapel • 10:30 AM Church (combined service) with Live Stream • 5:00 PM Chapel


Visiting Christ Church

DSC 5272

Sunday is our traditional day of worship. The Holy Eucharist is the principal act of worship on this day, and the Book of Common Prayer guides our liturgical services. Our varied service schedule provides for opportunities to worship in different ways, from traditional to contemporary to the more contemplative.

Upon entering our campus on Sunday morning, you will be greeted by parishioners who can direct you to worship services, Sunday School classes, the nursery, or other areas.

Dress for services also varies. You will find more traditional church dress at services which take place in the church, and more casual dress at services which take place in Markley Chapel. Be comfortable - what you wear matters little; being present to worship our Lord is what's important.

Sunday Service Times & Information

8:00 AM | Rite I | Chapel

Using the time-honored language of the Rite I service from the Book of Common Prayer, this traditional ser­vice takes place in Markley Chapel and includes only unaccompanied vocal music.

10:30 AM | Rite II | Church

Taking place in the historic Church, this service of Holy Eucharist uses Rite II from The Book of Common Prayer and includes music from the finest sources in the Angli­can tradition as well as beloved hymns from the Epis­copal tradition, led by the Parish Choir. This is typically our largest attended service. Children in 3K - 3rd grade are invited to a special Children’s Church during the Liturgy of the Word.

10:30 AM | Rite II | Chapel

Not offered during the summer

This service of Holy Eucharist, while still using the prayer book liturgy, is designed to have a contempo­rary feel. A wonderful option for worshippers seeking a more intimate worship experience, this service in­cludes the Gospel reading, a sermon, and communion and is designed to be around 1 hour. The Markley Chap­el musicians, an ensemble comprising guitar, percus­sion, flute, and piano together with a small choir, lead congregational singing of traditional hymns and more contemporary music.

Rhythms of Grace | 3:00 PM Chapel

2nd Sundays, September through May - Rhythms of Grace is an award winning Eucharist designed for families with young children or those with members who have special needs. The service is shortened and allows family members to move, talk and explore. In place of a sermon, there are interactive learning stations. The group also meets for fellowship and a light snack after the service.

5:00 PM | Choral Evensong Church

Offered 1st Sundays of the Month

This service features the Christ Church Parish Choir and Choristers of the Church Street Choral Academy in a traditional service of prayers, scripture readings, hymns, psalms, and canticles. This service is held in the church.

5:00 PM | Rite II | Chapel

Offered 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, Sundays of the Month

A consistent community comes together each week to reflect on the Scriptures, hear a sermon, and receive communion. While still using the language from the Prayer Book, this service is our most relaxed and in­cludes music from a soloist accompanied by piano.

Weekly Worship Offerings


1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the Month
5:30 PM | Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing and Anointing | Markley Chapel


Rite I Eucharist
10:30 AM | Chapel
Join us for this service of Holy Eucharist and then afterward in the Markley.

Chapel coffee area for treats and fellowship. All are welcome!

Other Worship Information

Clergy Schedule & Altar Flower Dedications

Interested in seeing who's preaching and who the beautiful flowers are dedicated to this week? It's listed on our blog by month.

Live Virtual Service

Our virtual service is the 10:30 AM service from the historic church. This full Eucharistic service includes a thoughtful sermon by a member of our clergy and beautiful music offerings from our Parish Choir. This service can be viewed on our YouTube channel and is viewable either live or immediately after each service.

Children's Church

Children's Church occurs in St Luke’s Chapel during the 10:30 am church service. It provides a reverent liturgy that has all the elements of Rite II, but in a simplified format geared toward ages 3k - 3rd grade. As they participate, they will begin to appreciate the rhythms of the worship service so it will feel familiar when they are old enough to stay with their parents.

Worship Bags

When you arrive for services at the church or chapel, ask an usher for a “Worship Bag” (refreshed weekly) with quiet toys, crayons, coloring sheets, and church-appropriate activities to keep your little ones occupied during the service.

Worship Calendar

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