Christ Church Logo

10:30 AM Rite I Holy Eucharist, Markley Chapel


Worship is at the core of the Episcopal Church and Christ Church.

Christ Church offers an extensive worship service schedule to accommodate our parishioners and visitors. Find a service that fits your schedule. View our Worship Schedule

When you enter our campus on Sunday morning, you’ll be greeted by friendly parishioners who will be happy to lead you to worship services, Sunday School classes, the nursery, or other areas.

Worshipers come dressed both casually and formally. Typically, most parishioners come dressed in a business-casual style for our services.

We hope to see you soon!

Dynamic and Sincere Worship

Sunday is our traditional day of worship. We invite you to participate as you feel comfortable. Our varied service schedule allows you to worship in different ways, from traditional to contemporary to the more contemplative.

We use the Book of Common Prayer to guide our Sunday services. The Holy Eucharist is the principal act of worship on this day.

Handicap Access

Parish House: Enter through the large gates in front of the Parish House from the parking lot off E. Washington Street. Inside the first floor lobby, you’ll find an elevator.

Church: On the north side of the church (near Church Street & E. North Street) there is a wheelchair accessible ramp.

Chapel: There is a wheelchair accessible ramp on the right side of the main entrance off Church Street and Coffee Street.

Accessible Parking: Accessible parking is available in the churchyard and Washington Street parking lot as designated by the universal accessibility icons. The accessible parking spaces in the churchyard are located on the north side of the church.


From I-85, take I-385 North into downtown Greenville. Turn left on Church Street. Travel through two traffic lights and turn left onto East Washington Street. The Christ Church parking lot is on the left; enter via the second entrance.