Christ Church Logo

10:30 AM Rite I Holy Eucharist, Markley Chapel

Ministry Opportunities

Put your gifts to work in the Church and the Community!

There are countless ways to offer your gifts at Christ Church! Whether you're looking for a way to help out at on the weekend or during the week, by yourself or with a group, you can find it all here. Click on an option to get started, or fill out the Volunteer Form below.

View all of our various ministries here:

You’re more than a voice for a child — you’re an advocate. As a volunteer in the Children’s Ministry, you inspire the next generation of Christ Church.

If you are interested in volunteering with one of our programs or participating in an event, please contact Cara Horn at

We also ask that you take the Safeguarding God’s People training. Contact Michelle Brown for more information about Safeguarding God's People Training.

Nursery Volunteer

Care for infants and toddlers in the nursery wing on Sunday mornings. You can volunteer during Sunday School from 9:30-10:15 AM or during the 10:30 AM church service.

Sunday School Volunteer

Teach the Bible lesson to children of the church. You and another adult will instruct on Sundays from 9:30-10:15 AM Choose from preschool, 3k-4k, 5k-1st grade, 2nd-3rd grade, or 4th-5th grade. Sunday School is offered during the program year/school year only.

Vacation Bible School Volunteer

Serve as a classroom teacher, snack helper, art room aid or driver for outreach VBS. VBS occurs for a week in June from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM and requires many volunteers.

Rhythms of Grace Volunteer

Help support this service, designed specifically for special needs children and their families. Rhythms of Grace occurs on the second Sunday of each month at 3:00 PM.

Children's Church

Children’s Church is offered during the 10:30 AM church service during the school year. Children go to a small chapel space near the nave to hear a Bible story, sing songs, and pray together. It is a simplified liturgy aimed toward children ages 3 through 3rd grade. They return to their parents before the Eucharist.

EYC (Episcopal Youth Community)

Join us for fun on Sunday evenings during the school year! We use this time to gather together as a community. Contact Joleen George at to get started.

Some ways you can volunteer to partner with the youth ministry program include:

  • Chaperone EYC (Sundays 5:00-7:30 PM in the All Saints Center)
  • Assist with check-in at EYC gatherings
  • Set-up and clean-up at EYC Dinner
  • Pick up EYC Dinner (from local Greenville restaurant)
  • Pick up or bake desserts for EYC Dinner

Sunday School

Join us on Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:15 AM in the All Saints Center.

Here are some ways you can volunteer with Sunday School:

  • Assist as a Sunday School teacher for:
    • Middle school (6th-8th grade)
    • Acolyte Sunday School (7th-12th grade)
    • Confirmation class (10th grade)

Retreats, Short-Term Summer Mission Experiences, Monthly ServeUs Opportunities

Come partner with us! We have many different opportunities for our youth in the local Greenville community and beyond.

  • Adult chaperones
  • Meal assistance
  • Event planning
  • Transportation*

    *You must become a certified driver through our business office.

Student Leadership Team

Accepting members in 9th-12th grades to serve during each academic year. SLT is responsible for assisting with planning, participating, and serving as a leader to the Middle School ministry programs.


As a member of the CLBBY Church Basketball League, Christ Church provides fellowship and fun through this team sport every year. The season runs November through February, with team practices beginning in October. 5K–8th grades play on Saturday mornings, 9th-12th grades play on Monday evenings. Registration is online from mid-July through early September. Coaches and other volunteers are needed to help this ministry operate smoothly.

Contact Rev. Lindy Bunch if you have further questions.

Coaches and other volunteers, contact Michelle Brown to complete or renew your Safeguarding God’s People training.

Young Adult Council

Individuals 18-39 years old are invited to join us in the planning of events for this age group. Join us once a month for one hour.

Young Adult Fellowship Events

We offer quarterly fellowship activities for individuals 18-39 years old. Significant others and kids are welcome, depending on the event details. Contact the Rev. Lindy Bunch for more information.

Parish Life Council

This council consists of representatives from a variety of life stages and ministry areas of the church. Our hope is to plan and execute inviting and joyful all-parish offerings in addition to more focused programming for college aged folks (ages 18-22), young adults (ages 22-39), empty nesters, and women and men’s ministry. We see our work as weaving together the ties that bind us together as a community, strengthening relationships, and deepening our Christian witness as Christ Church. Contact the Rev. Lindy Bunch for more information.

Women’s Ministry

Our vibrant women’s ministry includes an intergenerational Bible Study each semester, service opportunities, quarterly happy hours, fundraising for local non-profits, and luncheons with compelling speakers. This is a great way to meet other women at Christ Church! Contact Anne Green Buckner for more information.

Men’s Ministry

Men involved range from being a member of the planning committee, to helping with events such as the monthly socials, to helping with retreat planning and organizing events on or off campus. Of Note: The Men of Christ Church hold an annual Oyster Roast in the fall of each year and while a social event, there are positions for registering, money taking, set up and take down. Contact the Rev. Scott Fleischer for more information.

Marriage Ministry

Launching parish-wide Fall of 2023, our marriage enrichment ministry, designed to equip and disciple couples in their walk with Christ, teaches couples how to apply biblical principles to their marriage. This class will allow you to grow closer to your spouse and learn how to weather life’s difficult seasons by learning what it means to have a Christ-Centered marriage. Contact Anne Green Buckner for more information.

Room Parents/Grandparents/Special Friends

We welcome volunteers to help organize classroom celebrations/special events, as well as support the teachers and assistants.

Teacher Appreciation Committee

Volunteers are invited to assist in planning and implementing special events, providing treats and more during Teacher Appreciation Week and throughout the school year.

Healthy Snack Committee

We welcome volunteers to assist with planning and providing healthy snacks for our preschoolers. Snack purchasing help is needed, as well as preparation and delivery.

Special Events Committee

Join us to plan and organize special events throughout the year, such as our Back to School Parent Party, our annual Christmas Pajamarama, Easter Egg Hunts and much more!

Hodge Podge Committee

You are invited to participate in clean-up and/or work days around the preschool.

Contact Christine Skelton for more information.

Prayer Chain Ministry

A vibrant home ministry offering daily prayers by parishioners. Prayer requests are sent via email.

Order of St. Luke the Physician

A prayer ministry dedicated to the healing of the body, mind, and spirit. Training is required including Safeguarding God’s People. Prayer Teams pray at the Tuesday Healing Service and privately as needed.

Contact The Rev. Scott Fleischer for more information.

Touch Base Phone Ministry
A means of communicating with parishioners to provide comfort or to share celebrations.

Christ Church Knitters
Join us to knit prayer shawls for the sick or those needing comfort in a time of need and caps for cancer patients.

Caregivers Support Group
This supportive group is an encouragement to those living with the physical or emotional care of family members who have physical limitations, limitations of aging, or dementia.

Funeral Hospitality
As the hospitality ministry, we also provide greeters and parking lot attendants for funerals as well as reception set up and ser- vice for the family of the deceased. Time commitment ranges from one to two hours.

Expecting Parents: Welcoming a new addition to your family? Let us know so that we can support you and join our new parent gathering.

Contact The Rev. Scott Fleischer for more information.

Lay Eucharist Visitors (LEV)

We are trained, licensed parishioners who take the Blessed Sacrament from the altar to parishioners unable to attend services. This volunteer position requires Safeguarding God’s People training.

Friends in Christ

This group provides care by connecting parishioners who are homebound, in care facilities or retirement communities with a care partner who visits at least once per month. This volunteer position requires Safeguarding God’s People training.

Flower Deliverers

Join us after Sunday weekly services and help deliver altar flowers to parishioners who are hospitalized, home-bound or live-in care facilities.

Contact The Rev. Scott Fleischer for more information.

Hospitality and Catering
Occasionally we have events without Karen’s superb food and help is needed in the kitchen with cooking and for set up and serving as well as clean-up.

Greeting Card Ministry
We provide the cards for you to send to parishioners as needed. A short note can have a large impact on someone’s life.

Transportation Ministry
Parishioners need rides to services and appointments at least once a month and we need help transporting people to events around town and on longer trips.

Fill the Freezer Ministry
Volunteers will meet as needed to make soup and simple meals for the PC freezer. Recipes and supplies are provided. We will need volunteers about every two months for 2-3 hours for this.

Contact Annette Cook for more information.

Diocesan Convention

We need many volunteers throughout the parish for this special event which occurs once every couple of years. During one weekend in early November, we’ll need help serving Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, and Saturday lunch. There are several volunteer opportunities with varying lengths of service such as food prep, servers, clean-up crew, greeters, and parking lot attendants. Contact Kevin Mertens to find out more or to sign up.

Parking Lot Ministry
Join us for this important ministry that is often the first interaction a visitor has with our campus. Help with parking directions, handicapped entrance assistance, and answer general questions on Sunday mornings. This is an hour-long commitment a few times every year.

General Food Preparation
Chop, roast, julienne, bake — it all depends on the day. We invite you to come and learn, and enjoy new friendships.

Project Host Meal Ministry
Prepare meals for the community from donations.

Special Parish-Wide Meals

  • Soup Sales. Food prep, packaging soup, labeling containers, bagging and distributing. Heavy lifting required.
  • Wednesday Night Dinners. Prep, serve and clean up.

Non-Cooking Food Ministry

  • Coffee Stations. Measure and bag coffee, and take to station.
  • Cleaning. Help clean kitchen appliances.
  • Clutter Control. Organize glassware, storage, cabinets and coolers.

One-Time Food Ministry Volunteer Opportunities

We sponsor several Parish-wide events throughout the year, among them are:

  • Epiphany Dinner or Oyster Roast
  • Shrove Tuesday Supper
  • Patriotic Potluck Picnic
  • Welcome Back event

Parish Christmas Dinner

We have the following volunteer opportunities available for each event. Time commitment ranges from 1-3 hours.

  • Greeters
  • Food prep volunteers
  • Set-up help
  • Decorators
  • Check-in people
  • Money collectors
  • Food servicers
  • Dishwashers
  • General clean-up help

Contact Karen Walker for more information.


You can greet at various locations around campus before church. Greeters welcome all attendees, and offer additional information to help visitors feel welcome. The time commitment is approximately 30 minutes, a couple of times per year.

Cookie Ministry

Help provide two dozen cookies after Sunday services. Cookies can be store bought or homemade.

New Member Social

Join us to help set-up and clean-up the social at the Rector’s home. Volunteers make appetizers and/or pickup food, as well as mingle and welcome new members of the Christ Church family. You will also be needed to help with parking. The time commitment is three hours once per year.

New Member Dinner

Help in the kitchen with various food prep, cooking, serving, and cleaning. Volunteers assist in setting up the room, in addition to mingling with new members and sharing in the fellowship. Time commitment can vary from one to multiple hours.

Contact Kevin Mertens for more information.

Offered twice a year, Discovery Weekend has several volunteer opportunities, ranging from a few hours to the entire weekend.

Lay Leaders

Help with the planning and execution of the weekend, as well as finding the table leaders, creating the ice-breaker activity, and facilitating the flow of each meeting.

Table Leaders

Welcome participants and facilitate table discussions, in addition to writing a note to the people at the table and helping with event clean-up.

Contact Kevin Mertens for more information.

The Parish Choir

Comprised of dedicated volunteers and professional section leaders, the choir rehearses on Wednesdays from 7:00-9:00 PM, in addition to assisting in worship at the 10:30 AM Eucharist each Sunday. Basic music-reading ability, a pleasant voice that can blend well with others, and a commitment to regular rehearsals are the only prerequisites for membership.

Markley Chapel Musicians

This ensemble of singers and instrumentalists perform under the direction of Chase McAbee, Assistant Parish Musician, and provides musical leadership for the 10:30 AM Eucharist in Markley Chapel on Sundays. Rehearsals take place on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:30 PM Basic music-reading ability, a pleasant voice that can blend well with others, and a commitment to regular rehearsals are the only prerequisites for membership.

Celebration Ringers

This is our adult hand bell choir, ringing a beautiful five octave set of Whitechapeland Malmark English handbells. The Celebration Ringers enhances the Christ Church worship periodically throughout their September -May season in 6-week sessions. Rehearsals take place Mondays from 6:30-7:30 PM. Strong music-reading ability and consistent attendance at rehearsals are prerequisites for membership.

Wednesday Eucharist Musicians

Comprised of a small group of vocalists and instrumentalists, this ensemble meets Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m. to prepare and present music at the Wednesday 5:45 p.m. Eucharist held in Markley Chapel. This group is open to singers and instrumentalists (strings, woodwinds, guitars) of all skill levels.

Children's Sabbath

Kids in K3-5th grade are invited to participate in Children's Sabbath. Practices are offered as part of The Common Table. Crafts, music, drama activities are included as we prepare to lead worship several times in the year including the Christmas pageant at the Christmas Eve service.

Contact Sarah Marczynski for more information.

Lay Liturgical Ministers (Lector, Intercessor, Chalice Bearer)

Lay leaders assist with the leadership of services on weekdays, Sundays and special services. This opportunity includes reading a lesson or prayers, or serving the cup at the communion rail. Candidates need to be comfortable with public speaking, standing for a short period of time, and be a member in good standing.


This is for 7th-12th graders to serve on an acolyte team, and assist during worship services by carrying the cross, a torch, a Gospel book or a banner. Volunteers also assist in setting the altar for the Eucharist. A training session in August is required, and then you can serve on a team approximately once every six weeks.


This is for men and women who are interested in welcoming people to Sunday and special services, as well as gathering the Offering and facilitating the Communion line. You may serve at the service time you usually attend.

  • 8:00 AM ushers serve once every five weeks
  • 5:00 PM ushers serve once every four weeks
  • 10:30 AM ushers serve every Sunday for one month per year

Contact Sarah Marczynski for more information.

Altar Guild Flower Arrangers

Join us to arrange flowers in the church or chapel once every two months. This takes about an hour each time, and no previous experience is required.

Brass Polishers

Help keep the brass in the church or chapel bright. Polishers take a week, once every couple of months, and polish wherever it fits your schedule.

Monday-Friday from 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, or Saturday morning from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM. Polishing typically takes 30 minutes.

Service Set Up

Assist in the set up of the altar using the linens and vessels needed for worship. You can pick the service you prefer, and then serve once every six weeks. This typically takes 20 minutes.


Help wash and iron the linens used in worship. This ministry can be completed according to your schedule, in your home.

Contact Sarah Marczynski to get involved.

Finance Committee

This committee is appointed by the Vestry, and oversees the financial operations of the church. You will work closely with the rector, treasurers, and church staff to ensure good stewardship of the gifts and resources God has provided to the church.The committee meets for lunch once a month during the months of February, March, May, July, September, and November. Contact Suzanne Mize for more information.

Endowment Board

This is a separate non-profit organization established to oversee the Churchyard property, as well as investments of the Church and Christ Church School. This committee also encourages legacy gifts and bequests for the church. You will work closely with the rector, treasurers and church staff, and bring expertise in legal, financial and investment areas. Additionally, you will ensure good stewardship of the gifts and resources God has provided to the church and school. This committee meets for lunch once a month during the months of February, May, July, October, and December. Contact Suzanne Mize for more information.

Mailing Ministry

Join us for a recurring volunteer opportunity in the Parish House on Thursdays. Help us fold and stuff the Sunday bulletins and orders of worship. Additionally, you can help us prepare materials for bulk and special mailings. Contact Rachel Clark for more information.

Annual Giving Cabinet

This committee works to educate the parish about stewardship. You will invite parishioners to make a pledge, in an effort to ensure the financial success of Christ Church. The cabinet meets for four months (September - December) every other week.

Live Stream Volunteers: Volunteers are trained to operate equipment in the church that allows us to live stream the 10:30 AM worship service on Sunday mornings and other special services.

Photography Volunteers: Volunteers take photos at various events and occasions throughout the year.

Contact Kristin Bennett or Jessica Smith for more information.

Year-Round Opportunities:

Project Host Feed the Hungry
Project Host needs our help providing meals to the special emphasis neighborhoods of Greenville. Food donations (snacks, fruit, bread, deli meats, etc.) can be dropped off year-round at the Parish House or at the kitchen.

Book Distribution
Help sort and package books for children in Greenville who do not have books in their home. The book warehouse is located in the Scout Hut building at 121 Broadus Avenue.

Mentoring at Legacy Charter School
Christ Church is partnering with Legacy Charter School to provide mentoring to students in the City View neighborhood of Greenville.

Fostering Great Ideas Tutoring
Empower a child in foster care by volunteering with Tutor Match, a program of Fostering Great Ideas. Volunteers must be 18 years or older and able to tutor one hour weekly for an average of six months. Contact Shea Waters to get involved.

Legacy Early College Classroom Angels
We have launched a room helper ministry called "Classroom Angels," where members of our congregation volunteer to assist in the classroom/engage with the students and overall be ministers of Christ's love.

Habitat for Humanity Builds
The Abraham Build focuses on fostering conversation and developing unity and goodwill between the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic communities. Several building days will be offered this Fall.

Rebuild Upstate
Rebuild Upstate’s approach to affordable housing we focus solely on home preservation and repair as means to keep residents in their own homes. Let us know if you are interested in joining one of their worksites.

Mission Backpack
We provide weekend food for needy children and families through two local schools. Volunteers are needed to shop, pack, and deliver food, either once or on a regular basis.

Haiti Mission Trips/ Partners in Agriculture
Christ Church and the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina (EDUSC) have partnered with Eglise Bon Saveur and the people of Cange, Haiti, for over 30 years. Please contact us to be part of a medical, work or educational team trip to Haiti.

Weekly Sterling Tutors
Tuesdays or Thursdays, 3:30-4:30 PM during the school year. Can you give one hour per week to help a student improve their life through homework help and confidence building?

Kairos Prison Ministry
Lay-led, interdenominational Christian ministry in which men and women volunteers bring Christ's love and forgiveness to prisoners and their families. Parishioners at Christ Church are invited to bake cookies and prepare care packages.

The United Ministries Place of Hope: Personal Hygiene Items Drive
You may drop items off in the marked basket at the Parish House.

Seasonal Opportunities:

School Supply Stockpile Drive
Donate school supplies for the kids of the Sterling Community in collaboration with other local churches during August.

St. Martin of Tours Coat Drive
Donations of new coats, or clean and gently used coats, will be accepted along with gloves, etc. and will be distributed to the people in need in the Fall.

Angel Tree Program
We welcome you to participate in Angel Tree in November and December in one of the following ways:

  • Children and Senior stockings for the Sterling Community: Provide Christmas presents for a child or senior
  • Angel Tree Store: This project involves setting up a one-day toy store in the Elementary Gym at Legacy Early College and inviting the parents of 100 children to come shop for their kids. This ministry provides volunteer opportunities for all, whether it is purchasing toys, volunteering in the Angel Tree Store or praying with the families who come to the store.

United Ministries Winter Food Drive
There are many ways to help – from donating food, to helping pass out collection bags after church, to helping collect food from the bins, to sorting and delivering the items to United Ministries at the end of the drive.

Contact Kevin Mertens for more information.

Interested in volunteering with one of these ministries?

Please complete the Volunteer Form below and a member of the church staff will follow up with you. Provide as much detail as possible in the areas of interest text box. Thank you!