Christ Church Logo

10:30 AM Rite I Holy Eucharist, Markley Chapel

Assisting With Worship

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Interested in volunteering for one of our worship services? Please see the various opportunities below.

Take An Active Role in Worship

If you're interested in any of the below opportunities, please contact Donald Duncan, Director of Liturgy and Music or Sarah Marczynski, Coordinator of Liturgy and Music to get connected.


Our acolytes are usually youth, 7th - 12th grade, who participate in worship services and have the following responsibilities: lead processions, carry crosses, light and extinguish candles, and assist priests during Holy Eucharist.

Lectors & Intercessors

Our Lectors read the daily lessons from the lectern and the Intercessor offers the Prayers of the People.

Chalice Bearers

Our Chalice Bearers assist the priests during Holy Eucharist in all our worship services.


Our Vergers monitor and direct the overall service, ensuring all runs smoothly.


At each service, our ushers welcome parishioners and visitors, pass the alms basins during the offering, and direct parishioners during Holy Eucharist.

Altar Guild

Our Altar Guild does all the work to prepare the worship space for a service. They prepare the altar, set the table, arrange flowers, polish silver and brass, replace candles, mend and launder linens, maintain vestments, create needlepoint, and maintain supplies for the Blessed Sacrament. Our Altar Guild also assist at weddings, funerals, baptisms, and other occasions.

Music Ministry

There are lots of opportunities to participate in worship through music. We have several adult ensembles which include singing, playing handbells, or playing an instrument. Our ensembles provide high quality, accessible music for all services which elevate the worship experience.

Other Volunteer Opportunities

We have a multitude of opportunities for you to serve. Click Here to look through all of our Ministries' service opportunities to see where you can best use your skills!