Staff are listed by Ministry Area.
For the Vestry roster or Vestry minutes, please scroll to the bottom of this page.

The Rev. Lindy Bunch
Associate Rector for Parish Life & Adult Formation
Worship & Liturgy

Parish Life

Pastoral Care

Faith Development

Faith in Action


Resource Development & Communications


In the Episcopal Church, the Vestry is the group of lay members elected by their fellow members to serve with the Rector (head priest) as the leadership and governing body of the church. Through an annual retreat, and monthly and other special meetings, the Rector and Vestry are responsible to set and oversee the vision of ministry for the church, and to conduct the business of the church as required by canon or civil law.
Nancy Kennedy - Sr. Warden
Chan Boyd - Jr. Warden
Betsy Baumgardner - Faith Formation (Children, Youth, College, Adults)
Betty Parker Ellis - Communications & Welcoming
Martha Louise Ramage Lewis - CCES
Norma Givens - Worship & Pastoral Care
Smyth McKissick, IV, Resource Development
Mary Holt Murphy, Buildings & Grounds
Phil Peterson, Hospitality
Angelle Reichert, Outreach
Wes Clarke, Vestry Clerk & Technology
Jane Harrison Fisher, CCEP
Dorothy Nicholson, Parish Life
John Wood, In-Reach & Member Engagement
Cecil Nelson, Chancellor
Wade Kolb, III, Assistant Chancellor
Chris Klasing, Treasurer
Nelson Arrington III, Assistant Treasurer
Wes Clarke, Clerk of the Vestry
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