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10:30 AM Rite I Holy Eucharist, Markley Chapel

Age Groups

Faith Development at Christ Church

The Faith Development Team nurtures young people to be rooted in the Word and love of Jesus Christ, so they lead fulfilling, joyful, and faithful lives.

Below are our ministries broken down by various factors of age, experience, and gender. Please contact us if you'd like more information by clicking the button below.

Say Hello

(Infant through 5th Grade)

Our purpose in Children’s Ministries is to nurture young persons to be rooted in the Word and love of Jesus Christ so they can lead fulfilling, joyful, faithful lives. To that end we offer a wide variety of learning and service opportunities: from Sunday School to age-appropriate service opportunities. So don’t be surprised if you see a young person reciting the creed by memory from the pew, or bringing forward an offering basin, or reading the prayers in a church service. We believe that children are not the church of tomorrow; they are the church of today!

We are always seeking volunteers to help us. Whether you're a parent, guardian, or friend with a heart for children, please contact Director of Children's Ministry Cara Horn to get involved.

Sunday School

During Sunday School, children will be nurtured in the Word and love of Jesus Christ through story, song, prayer, and activities. Over the course of the year, they will hear the whole story of salvation from Creation to the Cross and beyond. They will also learn some essential elements of our Episcopal liturgy.

See more information about Sunday School here.

Children's Church

Children’s Church occurs in St Luke’s Chapel during the 10:30AM church service. It provides a reverent liturgy that has all the elements of Rite II, but in a simplified format geared toward ages 3k - 3rd grade. As they participate, they will begin to appreciate the rhythms of the worship service so it will feel familiar when they are old enough to stay with their parents.

Children's Sabbath

The Music and Liturgy team have collaborated with Children’s Ministries to create a vibrant Wednesday evening program for children ages 3 through 5th grade.

See more information about Wednesday night programming here.

Communion Class

Since Communion is central to our worship practices, it’s important to help children increase their understanding of the sacrament while keeping a sense of wonder for the mystery of this sacred rite. To that end, Christ Church offers this class designed for 2nd through 5th grade children who are already receiving, as well as those who will be participating in their first Communion. This five-week class is offered once per year. 2025 class dates are January 5, 12, 26 & February 2. Registration is required. Click here for more information or contact Cara Horn.

Cub and Scout Troops at Christ Church

Do you have a child who would like to join a Scout BSA troop? Cub Pack 511 is available for rising 1st - 5th grade and meets on the 2nd Monday of the month. BSA Troop 511 is available for rising 6th - 12th graders and meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. If you are interested in Cub Scouts, contact Cubmaster,Dean Cavalier. If you are interested in Scouts BSA, contact Olivier Salamin, 905.8868.

Photo Release

We love taking photos and videos during Christ Church events to build community among parishioners and further the ministry. These photos and/or videos may be used in the Sunday bulletin, weekly e-blast, on our website, in various publications and on social media websites. If you would not like us to use a photo of your child, please email Cara Horn.


On occasion, we will serve a special snack in Sunday School. If your child has a food allergy that we should be aware of please contact Cara Horn.

More Information
Learn more about Athletics and our Music Ministry opportunities for children.

Get Connected: Email Cara Horn, Director of Children's Ministry


A professionally staffed nursery is available year-round for infants and toddlers. The nursery opens at 9:15AM during the program year, and 10:15AM during the summer.

See more information about the nursery here.

Christ Church Episcopal Preschool

Offers full and half day programs year-round, serving children from birth to K5. We are pleased to be in a newly renovated, beautiful space in the Christ Church parish house, offering our parishioners and community an inviting school environment filled with light, love and learning.

6th through 12th Grade


EYC stands for Episcopal Youth Community. Our middle school community embraces youth who are in 6th through 8th grade. Out high school community embraces youth who are in 9th-12thgrade. Our mission is to welcome and provide a community that offers opportunities for our youth to engage with others, work with others, and grow in their faith with others through fun and fellowship.

Some EYC activities include park hangouts, summer & fall kick-off events, weekly Middle and High school EYC gatherings.

Cub and Scout Troops at Christ Church

Do you have a child who would like to join a Scout BSA troop? Cub Pack 511 is available for rising 1st - 5th grade and meets on the 2nd Monday of the month. BSA Troop 511 is available for rising 6th - 12th graders and meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. If you are interested in Cub Scouts, contact Cubmaster, Dean Cavalier. If you are interested in Scouts BSA, contact Olivier Salamin, 905.8868.

Play Youth Basketball at Christ Church


The Second Sunday of the month we offer a different format for our EYC gatherings. The second Sunday of the month will be Service oriented. We call this ServeUS. This offering is designed to provide opportunities for our youth to step out of their comfort zones, to invite and welcome all, fostering and growing new relationships, and to ingrain in our youth the importance of service. Through offering a wide variety of service opportunities, we seek to teach our youth how to make service a part of their regular life.

Some of our previous partner organizations include: Harvest Hope Food Bank, Miracle Hill, United Ministries, Project Host, Interfaith Hospitality Network, Ronald McDonald House, Mill Village Farms, Greenville Free Medical Clinic, Greenville Parks, Recreation and Tourism

Leadership Development opportunities

The Student Leadership Team (SLT) is a group of high school students 10th - 12th graders from Christ Church who assist in planning, leading, and creating games and programs for the middle school events. Applications open Spring 2924 for Fall 2024 - Spring 2025.

Diocesan Youth Leadership Committee (DYLC) is a group of high school youth and adults from throughout the Diocese who assist in the creation and implementation of youth events and help in setting the policies and procedures for governing them. Applications for DYLC are accepted during the spring semester of each school year. This is open to rising 9th graders.


Confirmation Classes

We offer a Confirmation class and retreat each semester before youth turn 16 years old. For more information, contact Joleen George.

Youth Ministry volunteer opportunities

We have a wide variety of volunteer opportunities and we invite you to join us!

  • Chaperone EYC
  • Assist with check-in/ welcome at EYC gatherings
  • Set-up and clean up EYC Dinner
  • Pick-up EYC Dinner (often catered from a local Greenville restaurant)
  • Pick-up/ bake desserts for EYC Dinner (nut-free)
  • Sign-up to assist as a Sunday School teacher
  • Pick-up bagels or doughnuts for Sunday morning Breakfast
  • Attend weekend retreats and trips as a chaperone and driver.
  • Serve on our Youth Working Committee.

Retreats, Short-term summer mission experiences, monthly ServeUS opportunities: We have many different opportunities for our youth in the local Greenville community and beyond – come partner with us!

  • Assist as an Adult Chaperone
  • Assist with meals
  • Assist with planning and brainstorming opportunities for our youth
  • Assist with transportation (You must complete additional paperwork through our Business office to become a certified driver).

Contact Joleen George to get involved. All volunteers are required to complete the Safeguarding God's People training every five years. Please email Michelle Brown for more information.*


Can we invite friends to youth events?

Of course!

We always welcome any youth to any of our events (EYC, Retreats, Sunday School, youth fellowship events). We welcome and invite all youth to attend.

What are Diocesan events?

The Diocese of Upper South Carolina seeks "To Know, Grow, and Sow the Love of Christ" among youth through events offered for young people in grades 5th – 12th. Diocesan events are held in various locations and are open to all youth and their friends. Each of these events, while focused on a specific age group and theme or program, is designed to deepen the spiritual development and the leadership skills of the participants.

Ways to connect:



18 through 22

Studying Outside the Upstate | Going away for school but want to stay connected to Christ Church? Let us know your new mailing address, and be on the lookout for a special treat coming your way at midterms and finals! If you currently receive emails from Christ Church at your school email, consider updating your email to one you’ll be able to receive emails to after graduation. Join us for socials and service opportunities over Christmas and summer breaks!

Studying In the Upstate | Welcome to Christ Church, we’re glad you are here. To get connected to other college students in the area, or to get plugged into the Episcopal student ministry on your campus, contact Joleen George.

23 through 39

This vibrant, active ministry keeps our members, ages 18 - 39, connected and involved. The Young Adults participate in a variety of social events, volunteer opportunities, and family-friendly special events throughout the year. Christ Church has a wonderful children's ministry for young adults with children from birth - 5th grade. We also have a wide range of worship services and Sunday School classes to help you grow in faith, build relationships and be an even bigger part of our joyful community sharing life in Jesus Christ.


A Joyful Community | Once per month, young adults (and families!) are invited to lunch in downtown Greenville following the 10:30 AM Markley Chapel and Church services. Contact Lindy to get the date of the next one! We also meet regularly around town for baseball games, hikes, and dinner groups. Stay up to date with the latest events by subscribing to emails from Christ Church young adult ministries.


Better Together | We currently participate in quarterly service opportunities, both within Christ Church, and in the larger Greenville community. We have a Valentines card ministry for our home bound senior adults in February, participate in the Angel tree Advent ministry in December, and regular can food drives through Faith In Action. Have a local organization or ministry you want us to partner with? Email Lindy to collaborate.


Check out our Christ Church New Child Guide. Whether welcoming your child by birth, adoption, or another method, this handy guide is filled with information for what to expect at church plus what resources are available to you and your child.
New Child Guide


Small Groups | Christ Church has many vibrant small groups that meet regularly on and off campus. We have several young adult small groups that meet at different times throughout any given month. Looking to get plugged in? Contact our Director of Family Ministries, Anne Green Buckner.

40 through 64

Welcome to the Adult Ministry at Christ Church! This vibrant, active ministry keeps our members, ages 40 - 64, connected and involved. Our adults participate in a variety of social events, volunteer opportunities, and family-friendly special events throughout the year.

For Growing Your Faith
Weekly Bible Studies - Join in on any number of classes with wide-ranging topics. You can join any time, and classes vary from traditional studies of Scripture, to living a Christian life in current times, and more.

Worship Services - We have several options for Sunday worship.

Sunday School Classes - to help you grow in faith, build relationships and be an even bigger part of our joyful community sharing life in Jesus Christ.

65 - 100+ Boomers +/-

Through trips, classes, lunches, and programs we engage each other and challenge ourselves to continue our transformational encounters with Christ. Christ Church Senior Adults enjoy fellowship and Christian community while blessing the parish and city with our depth of spiritual maturity and wisdom.

Check out our weekly opportunities for Senior Adults including volunteer opportunities:

  • Mid-Week Worship (Wednesdays at 10:30 in the Church)
  • Art of the Spirit - We are on a journey to deeper faith through artistic expression and conversation. This month we are exploring our spiritual journeys through abstract ink paintings. If you can cut and paste but can’t draw a straight line you’ll fit right in so join us.
  • Mailing Ministry - Join us by invitation on Thursday mornings to process bulk mail for the church. The conversation is the best part!
  • Monday Coffee by Zoom - Drop in for 10 minutes or stay the whole time.
  • Monday Book Study - The book changes, but the conversation stays vibrant and exciting! Join us on Zoom.

Annette Cook, Director of Senior Adult Ministries

Small Groups at Christ Church will embody the three elements of our mission at Christ Church: Embrace, Equip and Empower. Through these, we grow as Apostles to go out into the world to shine our lights for Jesus. The groups gather and fellowship, study, pray, and then go out to serve others. The purpose of these groups is to make Christ Church feel like a small church where we learn and grow as we discover our role in the church and the world. Small groups help us expand our friendship and support circles as we embrace each other for a season and then form new groups after three years. This significant experience in a Small Group expands our ability to become equipped apostles and empowers us to serve in our community or become leaders for newly formed groups. Learn more about joining one of the most rewarding groups at Christ Church!

Learn more about joining one of the most rewarding groups at Christ Church!

Because Christ Church is a large parish, Bible studies, Book studies and Prayer groups are a great way to connect and enjoy more intimate fellowship with others in our church community. At Christ Church, you will find a wide variety of groups that exist to inspire spiritual growth.

Check out our current Weekly Bible Studies.

Class enrollments, rosters, supplemental materials, and all other information can be accessed by logging into our new database, Tithely ChMS.

Join us two times yearly at Discovery Weekend! We're share great food, stories, and the wonderful things our parish has to offer with you. Learn about the ministries Christ Church offers as well as ways for you to get plugged in and volunteer for a ministry close to your heart. For more details, please email Kevin Mertens.

Check out the Basketball page, get registered, and download forms here.

The season runs November through February, with team practices beginning in October. 5K – 8th grades play on Saturday mornings, 9th - 12th grades play on Monday evenings, and men play on Thursday evenings. For inquiries about Christ Church basketball, please contact the Parish House at 864.271.8773.

Why I Coach
“I honestly can’t remember how I started coaching basketball. I’m sure it was to be a part of my sons’ basketball experience when they were younger. I didn’t think I would continue after they both moved on but here I am with a brand new team of fourth graders! There are a few reasons why I am still coaching. I would say I get so much more out of it than the players do. It’s so rewarding to play even a small role in a young life by teaching the basics of basketball, teamwork, and effort at a time in their lives when it’s not all about winning just yet. Don’t get me wrong, we love to win but we also love having fun, improving, making friends, and most of all laughing.” - Allan Symonette

Why I Play
“Church basketball has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. The friends I’ve made throughout the years are incredible and it is always fun coming back together every season. I will forever be grateful for the relationships I’ve built with my teammates and especially Coach Mac.” - Pearce Easley

This inter-church league is facilitated by CLBBY (The Church League Basketball for Youth).

Women's Ministry

The vision of the Christ Church Episcopal Church Women’s Ministry is to
welcome women to grow in faithful fellowship through love and service in
our community. Get plugged in through many different ministries: 

  • Quarterly Women's Socials
  • Kitchen Ministries
  • Faith Development
  • Mailing Ministry
  • Women's Bible Study
  • The Altar Guild

Find out more and get connected by emailing the Anne Green Buckner.

Men's Ministry

From special groups and studies to retreats designed to allow men to relax and recharge, the Christ Church Men's Ministry exists to build men of faith and character. Come join this informal, social group and grow in your faith. We have lots of opportunities to find your niche:

  • Outdoor Expeditions
  • Mailing Ministry
  • Men's Bible Study
  • Kitchen Ministries
  • Faith Development
  • Usher Guild

For more information, please contact the Rev. Scott Fleischer.