Prayer Requests
Prayer requests are made by calling 864.271.8773 and asking for the Prayer Request Line, ext. 254 or by sending an e-mail to This is an opportunity to share any news you would like prayed for confidentially by your brothers and sisters in Christ. This could include a hospitalization, a long-term illness, unexpected news, or joyful celebrations. Give your name, the prayer request, and any other pertinent information. If you are calling on behalf of a friend or family member, please obtain permission from the person for whom prayers are offered. The Prayer Chain number is available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week / 365 days a year.
Prayer Chain Ministry
Prayer requests are passed along by phone, e-mail, and mail to more than 60 people who offer daily prayers. (After 30 days, please renew your prayer request.)
Get Involved: Jean Martin
Order of St. Luke
The Order of St. Luke (OSL) falls under the large umbrella of prayer and Pastoral Care ministries. Our main focus is to pray for healing of mind, body and/or spirit as Christ did. Whatever the means or the avenue, it is Jesus' love that affects the healing. OSL is open to anyone who feels the call to be an intercessor for others. Training is required.
Get Involved: Scott Fleischer