8:00 AM | Holy Eucharist Rite I | Markley Chapel
10:30 AM | Liturgy of the Palms and Passion Narrative with Eucharist | Church
10:30 AM | Palm Sunday Children’s Sabbath | Markley Chapel
11:45 AM | Palm Sunday Spring Luncheon and Easter Egg Hunt | McKissick Family Courtyard
5:00 PM | Palm Sunday Tenebrae for Holy Week | Church
Sunday nursery will meet as usual for infants through K2 from 9:15 AM - 12:00 PM in the Parish House.
12:00 PM | Holy Monday Eucharist | Church
12:00 PM | Holy Tuesday Eucharist | Church
The 5:30 PM Healing Service is canceled for Holy Week
12:00 PM | Holy Wednesday Eucharist | Church
The 12:00 PM service replaces the 10:30 AM Rite I

7:00 PM | Maundy Thursday Eucharist & Stripping of the Altar | Church
There will be no nursery available for this service.

12:00 PM | Good Friday Liturgy of the Word with Veneration of the Cross | Church
3:00 PM | Stations of the Cross Pilgrimage | Church
There will be no nursery available for these services.

4:00 PM | Easter Eve Baptism Service | Church
7:00 PM | The Great Vigil of Easter with Incense | Church

7:30 AM | Quiet Sunrise Eucharist, Rite I | Markley Chapel
This service is lily-free, but will be beautifully decorated with gorgeous flowers of other varieties for those who suffer with allergies.
9:00 AM | Holy Eucharist, Rite II featuring Markley Chapel Musicians | Markley Chapel
Nursery Available | This service is lily-free, but will be beautifully decorated with gorgeous flowers of other varieties for those who suffer with allergies.
9:00 AM | Festal Eucharist, Rite II with Parish Choir & Brass | Church
Nursery Available
11:15 AM | Holy Eucharist, Rite II featuring Markley Chapel Musicians | Markley Chapel
Nursery Available | This service is lily-free, but will be beautifully decorated with gorgeous flowers of other varieties for those who suffer with allergies.
11:15 AM | Solemn Eucharist, Rite II with incense & featuring Parish Choir & Brass | Church
Nursery Available