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Mental Wellness: Self-Care and Loving Your Neighbor | Sunday, September 17

08 23 2023

Mental Wellness: Self-Care and Loving Your Neighbor | Sunday, September 17

Mental Wellness: Self-Care and Loving Your Neighbor
Combating sadness, loneliness and hopelessness
An event for 1st graders - Adults

Join us at Christ Church Episcopal and Christ Church Episcopal School along with guest speaker Dennis Gillan (TEDx Speaker and Author of the children's book "Nice shoes! A little compliment can go a long way) as children, youth and adults learn how to:

  • Speak about your feelings
  • Affirm and acknowledge these feelings in yourself and others
  • Reach out and respond with compassion and kindness to others
  • Find help and resources

The lunch event is designed for 1st graders - adults with nursery available after lunch. We start right after church at 11:30 AM. During the keynote presentations, adults may either attend the adult session or the children's session with their child.

We will host a separate event that evening for the fifth graders, middle schoolers and high schoolers at Christ Church Episcopal School from 5:00 - 7:00 PM. If youth are unable to attend the evening event, they are welcome to come to the adult presentation at lunch time.

Each family who signs up early for this event will receive a copy of Dennis Gillan's book for children, if they request one. These books have been graciously provided by Canterbury Counseling.

Lunch Session

Christ Church Episcopal
All Saints Center 601 E. Washington Street

11:30 - 12:30 Registration and Lunch Buffet open
12:15 - 1:45 Nursery in ASC open
12:30 - 1:30 Keynote Speakers (The presentation for children will be followed by activities for the children)

Dinner Session

Christ Church Episcopal School Upper School Campus
567 Wenwood Road, Greenville, SC 29607
(Please access parking lot from Wenwood Road)

5:00 - 5:45 Presentation and Debrief 5th-8th graders*
5:45 - 6:15 Dinner for 5th-12th graders
6:15 - 7:00 Presentation and Debrief for 8th 12th graders*
*5th graders may attend either the children’s programming at 12:30 or Middle School programming at 5.
*8th graders may attend the adult, middle school or high school presentation
*Youth may attend the lunch or evening event

Registration Information

If you have any questions please reach out to Joleen at

No registration necessary for the evening dinner session.

Register to volunteer at the Dinner Session

This event is offered in partnership with Christ Church Episcopal, Christ Church Episcopal School, Canterbury Counseling Center, Scout Pack 511, and Scout Troop 511.