Sunday, April 3 - Easter Vigil
7:00 PM | The Rev. Charles Jenkins, Preacher | The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod
Sunday, April 4 - Easter
6:00 AM | The Rev. Kellie Wilson, Preacher & Celebrant
8:00 AM | The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod, Preacher | The Rev. Kellie Wilson, Celebrant
10:00 AM | The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod, Preacher & Celebrant | The Rev. Kellie Wilson, Assisting Priest
12:00 PM | The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod, Preacher | The Rev. Charles Jenkins, Celebrant
5:00 PM | The Rev. Charles Jenkins, Preacher & Celebrant
Sunday, April 11
9:00 AM | The Rev. Kellie Wilson, Preacher & Celebrant
11:15 AM | The Rev. Kellie Wilson, Preacher & Celebrant
Sunday, April 18
9:00 AM | The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod, Preacher & Celebrant
11:15 AM | The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod, Preacher & Celebrant
Sunday, April 25
Orimos Sunday
9:00 AM | The Rev. Kellie Wilson, Preacher | The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod, Celebrant
11:15 AM | The Rev. Kellie Wilson, Preacher | The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod, Celebrant
Week of April 4
This week, the flowers in the Church are given to the glory of God for the resurrection of our Lord.
Week of April 11
This week, the flowers in the Church are given to the glory of God in memory of Isabel Roberts Cochrane, Joe Cochrane, Jessie Tripp Nelson, Cecil H. Nelson, Sr. by Cecil and Caroline Nelson.
Week of April 18
This week, the flowers in the Church are given to the glory of God in memory of Ashley Smith by the Fitzgerald family and the Schippers family.
Week of April 25
This week, the flowers in the Church are given to the glory of God.
Interested in making an Altar Flower Dedication?
Would you like to make a thanksgiving or memorial Altar flower dedication? Please contact Tricia Crawford or call the church at 864.271.8773.