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Christ Church Time Capsule Celebration

10 31 2022

Christ Church Time Capsule Celebration

Sunday, November 20 • 11:30 AM • All Saints Center
We're celebrating our past, present, and future!

Join us for lunch and our Christ Church Time Capsule Celebration. Enjoy music, our annual meeting, and seasonal crafts for children. We will have a special presentation of the items, artifacts, and letters to be buried in our time capsule for parishioners of the future.

For more information, please contact Anne Green Buckner at or 864.282.3117.

Worship that Morning

In the Chapel:

Children’s Sabbath in Markley Chapel at 10:30 AM.
Join us for this fun family friendly service and watch kids lead the worship! Kids wanting to participate in the service should join us on Wednesdays at The Common Table from 5:30 - 6:30 PM to rehearse and for more fun!

In the Church:

St. Andrews Day Celebration Service in the Church at 10:30 AM This joyful service celebrates the life of St. Andrew and his connection to the many of our members of our church with Scottish heritage. Festive music, processions, and bagpipes included; tartans and plaids encouraged!

Following the service, bagpipes will lead the worshipers to the All Saints Center for our time capsule celebration and Annual Meeting.

Lunch and Annual Meeting

Enjoy music, our annual meeting, and seasonal crafts for children. We will have a special presentation of the items, artifacts, and letters to be buried in our time capsule for parishioners of the future. Register by clicking the, "Celebrate with Us" button above. Family style lunch menu and price listed below.


Herbal chicken salad miniature croissants

Flat bread wraps
with applewood smoked bacon, tomato, pimento cheese and bibb lettuce

Fresh fruit salad
with grapes, pineapple, fresh mango, and assorted berries

Italian Tortellini Pasta Salad
with tomatoes, fresh basil, artichokes hearts, and peppers

Assorted Sun Chips

Homemade assorted Rice Krispie treats
Decadent chocolate brownies


Adult $12.00
Children $6.00

Time Capsule?

We want to leave a tangible example of what life was like at Christ Church during this time. We’ll bury items including a cell phone, a directory, the Bicentennial Magazine, and our Community News. Best of all, we’re asking our parishioners to participate by filling a 6x9in envelope with pictures, a letter, documents, or anything else they want to leave to the future (as long as it fits in the envelope!).

Filled and sealed envelopes due back to the Parish House lobby by Thursday, December 15.

What to Include

Stumped about what to leave to the future? Here are some ideas! As long as it can fit into a 6x9 inch sealable envelope, it can go into the time capsule.

What do you think the future looks like? What do you want your children's children's children to remember about you?

What small momento represents you and your family? A lapel pin for a service organization? A sports ribbon. A certificate.

A Letter

A Business Card

Your Family Tree

A Grocery Receipt

Family Pictures

Kids' Drawings

A Small Painting

A Short Story