Event Listings
Event |
Date |
Contact |
Summer Kickoff Party |
June 4 |
abuckner@ccgsc.org |
Powell Scholarship Choral Festival |
June 4 |
smarczynski@ccgsc.org |
Liberty Soccer Game |
June 6 |
lbunch@ccgsc.org |
Summer Book Study |
July 12 - August 2 |
abuckner@ccgsc.org |
EYC Local Youth Mission Week |
June 12 - 16 |
jgeorge@ccgsc.org |
Mentor/Mentee Ice Cream Social |
June 18 |
jgeorge@ccgsc.org |
VBS – Stellar! |
June 19 - 23 |
ccoleman@ccgsc.org |
Women's Bible Study Pop-Up |
June 19 |
abuckner@ccgsc.org |
Mission Trip |
July 15 - 21 |
jgeorge@ccgsc.org |
Creative Arts Camp |
July 17 - 21 |
smarczynski@ccgsc.org |
Christmas in July Service |
July 23 |
smarczynski@ccgsc.org |
Women's Bible Study Pop-Up |
July 24 |
abuckner@ccgsc.org |
Summer Worship Information

As we combine our morning Rite II services to the church for the summer, we’ll feature special presentations by our musical ensembles and themed musical Sundays. Join us and make a joyful noise throughout the summer.
June 4: Festal Eucharist for Trinity Sunday
With special guest, Andrew Greer, bagpiper
June 11: Glorify Thy Name: Grey Songbook Favorites
featuring the Markley Chapel musicians
June 18: Sing a New Song Unto the Lord: Old Hymns, New Style
featuring the Chapel musicians
June 25: Give me that Old time Religion:
Southern Gospel & African-American Spirituals
With the Parish Choir and Nicholas Hawkins, soloist
July 2: God Bless our Native Land: Independence Day Eucharist
July 9: De Colores: Cursillo Song Favorites
Featuring the Chapel musicians
July 16: Jesus, Remember Me: Music of Taizé
Featuring the Chapel musicians
July 23: Gloria in excelsis Deo: Christmas in July
With the Parish Choir and John Wickey, GSO Harpist
July 30: Praise Him with Strings & Pipe
Featuring the Greenville Symphony String Quartet
August 6: Lift High the Cross: Favorite Hymns at Christ Church
Featuring the Christ Church Schola
Summer Nursery Information
We are delighted to offer nursery care during the summer and for 10:30 AM combined service in the church. Christ Church summer nursery is open for our smallest parishioners, infants through age 2 from 10:15 AM – 12:00 PM.
- Infants – Parish House, Room 109
- Toddlers - Parish House, Room 112