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Worship this Month - May 2022

04 28 2022

Worship this Month - May 2022

Here is the full worship schedule for the month of May.


Sunday, May 1
Bishop's Visitation and Confirmations

10:30 AM | Rite II Tradition Service | The Right Rev. Daniel P. Richards, Preacher & Celebrant

Sunday, May 8
Orimos Service

10:30 AM | Rite II Traditional Service | The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod, Celebrant & The Rev. Kellie Wilson, Preacher

Sunday, May 15
Senior Sunday/Acolyte Recognition

10:30 AM | Rite II Traditional Service | The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod, Celebrant & Ms. Karissa Horn/Sam Nixon, Preachers

Sunday, May 22
10:30 AM | Rite II Traditional Service | The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod, Celebrant & The Rev. Frank Bernardi, Preacher

Sunday, May 29
10:30 AM | Rite II Traditional Service | The Rev. Kellie Wilson, Preacher & Celebrant

Markley Chapel

Week of May 1

Sunday, May 1
8:00 AM | Rite I Traditional Service | The Rev. Kellie Wilson, Preacher & Celebrant
10:30 AM | Rite II Family Service | The Rev. Kellie Wilson, Preacher & Celebrant
5:00 PM | Rite II Contemplative Service | The Rev. Scott Fleischer, Preacher & Celebrant

Tuesday, May 2
5:45 PM | Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing and Anointing | The Rev. Scott Fleischer, Preacher & Celebrant

Wednesday, May 3
10:30 AM | Rite I Holy Eucharist | The Rev. Scott Fleischer, Preacher & Celebrant

Week of May 8

Sunday, May 8
8:00 AM | Rite I Traditional Service | The Rev. Scott Fleischer, Preacher & Celebrant
10:30 AM | Rite II Family Service | The Rev. Scott Fleischer, Preacher & Celebrant
5:00 PM | Rite II Contemplative Service | The Rev. Scott Fleischer, Preacher & Celebrant

Tuesday, May 10
5:45 PM | Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing and Anointing | The Rev. Kellie Wilson, Preacher & Celebrant

Wednesday, May 11
10:30 AM | Rite I Holy Eucharist | The Rev. Scott Fleischer, Preacher & Celebrant

Week of May 15

Sunday, May 15
8:00 AM | Rite I Traditional Service | The Rev. Kellie Wilson, Preacher & Celebrant
10:30 AM | Rite II Family Service | The Rev. Kellie Wilson, Preacher & Celebrant
3:00 PM | Rhythms of Grace | The Rev. Scott Fleischer, Preacher & Celebrant
5:00 PM | Rite II Contemplative Service | The Rev. Scott Fleischer, Preacher & Celebrant

Tuesday, May 17
5:45 PM | Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing and Anointing | The Rev. Scott Fleischer, Preacher & Celebrant

Wednesday, May 18
10:30 AM | Rite I Holy Eucharist | The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod, Preacher & Celebrant

Week of May 22

Sunday, May 22
8:00 AM | Rite I Traditional Service | The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod, Preacher & Celebrant
10:30 AM | Rite II Family Service | The Rev. Kellie Wilson, Preacher & Celebrant
5:00 PM | Rite II Contemplative Service | The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod, Preacher & Celebrant

Tuesday, May 24
5:45 PM | Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing and Anointing | The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod, Preacher & Celebrant

Wednesday, May 26
10:30 AM | Rite I Holy Eucharist | The Rev. Kellie Wilson, Preacher & Celebrant

Week of May 29

Sunday, May 29
8:00 AM | Rite I Traditional Service | The Rev. Scott Fleischer, Preacher & Celebrant
10:30 AM | Rite II Family Service | The Rev. Scott Fleischer, Preacher & Celebrant
5:00 PM | Rite II Contemplative Service | The Rev. Kellie Wilson, Preacher & Celebrant

Tuesday, May 31
5:45 PM | Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing and Anointing | The Rev. Kellie Wilson, Preacher & Celebrant

Wednesday, June 1
10:30 AM | Rite I Holy Eucharist | The Rev. Kellie Wilson, Preacher & Celebrant

Memorial and Thanksgiving Flowers and Greens


Week of Aug. 7
The flowers in the church are given to the glory of God in memory of James M. Endicott, Kenneth M. Endicott, Frances C. Endicott, William R. Huber, and Geraldine C. Huber by Mary Beth Endicott.

Week of Aug. 14 
The flowers in the church are given to the glory of God in memory of Mary Peace Sterling by Debie Moorhead.

Week of Aug. 21
The flowers in the church are given to the glory of God.

Week of Aug. 28
The flowers in the church are given to the glory of God in thanksgiving for the hard work, unwavering support, and guidance of the clergy and staff of Christ Church during these past difficult months. by Connie DuPre. 


Week of May 1
The flowers in the chapel are given to the glory of God in thanksgiving for my children and grandchildren by Dianne Lee.

Week of May 8
The flowers in the chapel are given to the glory of God in memory of Anne M. Haag by Connie Bryan.

Week of May 15
The flowers in the chapel are given to the glory of God in memory of Melree Woods Boggs by Robert and Aaron Boggs.

Week of May 22
The flowers in the chapel are given to the glory of God in thanksgiving, praising God for His faithfulness in our marriage and family by Mary and Ben Horne.

Week of May 29
The greens in the chapel are given to the glory of God in honor of and in thanksgiving for the Christ Church Episcopal School Class of 2022 by Christ Church Episcopal School.

Interested in making an Altar Flower Dedication?

Would you like to make a thanksgiving or memorial Altar flower dedication? Please contact Tricia Crawford or call the church at 864.271.8773.